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  • Writer's picturePhilip Day

UK Launch Capabilities and Space Enterprises considered

The UK Space Industry is more vibrant than ever, and whilst the power-houses of UK Space continue to move at pace in Harwell, Oxfordshire, an increasing number of other key players have emerged based in London, Cornwall and Scotland.

Now, thanks to the continuing work of the Satellite Applications Catapult in Oxfordshire, we all have the opportunity to come together from 2pm (13:00 GMT) tomorrow, 11th June 2020.

For those considering a career move from industry into space, there is no better opportunity to take the temperature of the UK space scene, to learn who some of the names and players are, and to consider your next move.

Although the main focus of the webinar will be financial, this look at the emerging future of the industry after COVID-19, and the expected routes to recovery will be critical to helping each of us to understand the flavour of UK growth over the next 2 - 5 years.

You can register for their webinar here:

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